Friday, February 4, 2011

River Hongbao 2011

We went for the River Hongbao 2011 a couple of days ago, mainly to read our horoscope predictions for the year. Finally it'll be a very good year for me! and a rather good one for the boy.

River Hongbao
If vomit-inducing rides are your cup of tea, this year's River Hongbao features a couple of them. In fact, looking at the spinning carousel that night, I wondered how I picked up the courage to get on a similar ride at Genting many years ago. I still remember the ratty rattan seats dangerously puntured with holes, and how I told myself to not faint least I fall out of the seat midway.

River Hongbao
Another dizzy 360 degree dual spinner.

River Hongbao
For kids, they have claustrophobic water zorbs.

River Hongbao
And for the older generation, have some fun re-living childhood memories of funfair games.

River Hongbao

River Hongbao
River Hongbao
Oh, and this was really fun! It reminded us of the great rush at Furano, except this time, we were rushing for gold and not tidbits.

The perpetual crowd gathering below the God of Fortune, eagerly waiting for him to dispense shiny gold showers of lucky numbers, which can be used to purchase 4D tickets at the Singapore Pools booth.

River Hongbao
Umbrellas, handbags, bags for oranges, shopping bags, all up and ready for the catch.

River Hongbao
River Hongbao
I think I caught more numbers than many others, using nothing but my bare hands. In fact, my attempt to catch the falling pieces of gold was so futile I just opened my hands and kept them facing palm up. As fate would have it, two sets of 4D numbers landed straight into them. The gold bits however, ended up being a pain to remove.

River Hongbao
My luck didn't end there. I made the boy empty his coin compartment and with the 10 or so coins between us, I managed to hit the bell at the wishing well! Well, I guess my wish is going to come true.

River Hongbao
Look at the amount of coins people threw.

River Hongbao
Some even threw the caps from the bottles of Newater that Marina Barrage was giving out. Misers! At least their wet dreams will be coming true.

River Hongbao
Well, here's leaving you with something out of Donnie Darko. Sweet dreams! and Happy Year of the Rabbit!

River Hongbao

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